Kingdom Partners


When you Partner with Kingdom Warriors™, you become as much a part of Kingdom Warriors™ as our founder. All that God has commissioned Kingdom Warriors™ to do is done with the help of a team, and partnership is about coming alongside them to be a part of that team. Partnership connects you with the work, the rewards and the anointing of this ministry. The grace and anointing on them comes on you, and you share the heavenly reward for every soul won, every person healed and every life changed. When you become a Partner, we pray for you every day, as well as offer prayer for healing and personal ministry during our services.

                         We are called to minister together. God has places for us to go and people to reach.  


KWM is dedicated to building up believers, so they can live the victorious life God promised.  We can’t do that alone—we need Partners just like YOU.


Our Bold Mission

Kingdom Warriors Ministries has been assigned by God to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around — without compromise. We’ve been commissioned to get the message out that Jesus is LORD on every available voice. We’re standing in faith for 1 million individuals, families, businesses and ministries to accomplish our BOLD mission.
Our Purpose: To mature believers worldwide in the use of their spiritual weapons. Romans 8:28
Our Vision:To see Christians experiencing the fullness of THE BLESSING, which includes divine healing, supernatural victory, the God kind of love and more. To see believers operating skillfully in God’s Word, being well-trained to discern good and evil. Habakkuk 2:2

Our Mission: To minister the Word, by teaching believers who they are in Christ Jesus, and by taking them from the milk of the Word to the meat of the Word, and from religion to reality. Matthew 28:19.  We want to give them a firm foundation so their relationships fluris

The Rewards Of Partnership
Without the faithfulness of Partners, Kingdom Warriors Ministries could not do all that God has called us to accomplish. Even so, the rewards of partnership are not one-way.

It doesn’t matter if you’re the one doing the preaching or if you’re the one supporting the preacher, according to 1 Samuel 30:24-25, the reward for the work will be the same:

For as is the share of him who goes into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage. They shall share alike. – 1 Samuel 30:24

When you step on the bridge of partnership with KWM, you can expect:

  • Spiritual rewards for the ministry work being done
  • A harvest on financial seed sown
  • The ministry’s anointing to operate in your own life.

In addition to these rewards, you’ll also receive satisfaction knowing that you are reaching far beyond your personal sphere of influence and impacting people all over the world with our life-saving message.