
Kingdom Warriors® VISION

Welcome to Kingdom Warriors Ministries.  An Innovative equipping network, specializing in the Development of Leaders for Ministry, Life, and the Marketplace.  Team members are activated, equipped, trained, and released to operate fully in their gifting and calling. Prayer is the foundation and strategy of this ministry. It is your covering, a protective shield, spiritual growth accelerator and your weapon against the enemy.

Members are strategically launched forward into their destiny. This is accomplished through the our Prayer Teams, Classes, and  Leadership Network. Each training platform activates you in your gifts and teaches you how to move by the Spirit. This training will build character, tenacity, passion, and a hunger to fulfill your spiritual destiny.

Learn how to pray and develop a lifestyle of prayer and develop the leader in you. Be encouraged as you built up in your faith, use your gifts and develop them. Receive increased boldness and training for leadership.
You are invited to join us every Monday and Friday at 8PM EST  for one of our services.

Come and be refreshed!