Leadership Training

Kingdom Warriors Leadership Network​

Is T.E.A.M. Ministry – Training, Equipping and Mobilizing Leaders

Join the Kingdom Warriors Leadership Training Network (KWLT) to bridge the gap in ministry training. Many Christians struggle to fulfill their calling due to a lack of biblical training in their gifts.

Kingdom Warriors Leadership Network recognizes the need for hands-on training and mentorship, often lacking in local churches. Our mission is to provide opportunities for individuals to lead and grow in their gifts, just like doctors undergo residency training or pilots receive hands-on instruction. Those called in ministry or those wanted to be discipled, need hands on ministry experience.

Martiele Swanko believes everyone should be given the chance to serve and be trained in various ministry areas. Kingdom Warriorr offers training in spiritual gifts, leadership skills, and team ministry, empowering individuals to lead effectively.

We aim to assist churches and pastors in training future leaders, as it is the responsibility of the local church to affirm and send pastors into ministry. While colleges play a role, they cannot replace the church’s vital role in leadership training.

Kingdom Warriors seeks to train a generation of leaders who will, in turn, mentor others, following Paul’s exhortation to Timothy to entrust teachings to faithful individuals who will teach others (2 Timothy 2:2). Join with  us to grow and lead in ministry effectively.