Kingdom Warriors Leadership Network​

Is T.E.A.M. Ministry – Training, Equipping and Mobilizing Leaders

Kingdom Warriors Leadership Training Network (DLTN) recognizes the crucial role of hands-on ministering in developing effective leaders for the Kingdom of God. Many Christians face challenges in fulfilling their ministry due to a lack of biblical training in their spiritual giftings.

While obtaining a Bible degree is more accessible than ever, having a degree doesn’t automatically qualify one to lead a flock or serve in ministry. Often, individuals attempt to fill positions in the church without the necessary training and mentorship, leading to inefficiency and unfulfilled potential.

KWLT seeks to address this gap by providing opportunities for hands-on leadership experience and training in spiritual gifts. Martiele Swanko, a proponent of this approach, emphasizes the importance of giving individuals opportunities to serve and be mentored in various ministry areas.

Many churches offer service opportunities but lack comprehensive training, especially in areas like praying for the sick, exercising faith, leading prayer groups, and discerning God’s voice.Here at Kingdom Warriors Leadership Training, we believe that the local church should be the primary place for preparing and training leaders.

Established leaders should mentor the next generation, investing in the lives of those called to ministry. Unfortunately, this mentoring often occurs only within the pastor’s family, leaving many others without guidance.

Kingdom Warriors Leadership Training  aims to fill this void by providing training for aspiring leaders and helping them discover their spiritual gifts and callings. Participants are given opportunities to use their gifts, learn to flow in the Spirit, understand the importance of team ministry, and develop leadership skills.

The organization also seeks to support churches and pastors in their leadership training efforts. While colleges play a significant role, they cannot replace the essential role of the local church in training leaders.

Following the blueprint set by the Apostle Paul, Kingdom Warriors emphasizes the importance of passing on knowledge and skills to faithful individuals who can teach others. By training leaders effectively, the church can ensure its stability and impact across generations.

For more information about leadership roles, send us an email or text us at 561-235-2335 today.